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Update from Westminster Council

Updated: Jun 20, 2023

What is happening in advance of the planned works?

To help prepare for the works, our contractor Axis will be carrying out extensive surveys to your properties. One of these surveys will be to the external of your block, both the front and back.

Scaffold is required to do this and will be in place for up to six months. Axis will keep you informed of any changes.

The working hours are Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. Axis will close off the front entrance first and install the scaffold over the door entrance to your block. During this time, you will have access to the back of the block. Once Axis have completed the front entrance scaffold, they will move to the back of the block.

For those residents with contents insurance, please contact your insurers and share these

details with them.

There will be other surveys (such as balconies and windows surveys) that will require access inside your property. Prior to any works, further communication will be sent detailing the extent of the works and appointments to be carried out to your property.

When are the planned works expected to start?

Based on the current timetable, works are expected to start late Autumn or in the early part of 2024. However, there are several stages to go through, including formal consultation with leaseholders. We will keep you updated as the project progresses.

Who will be doing the works?

At the start of 2018, Westminster City Council entered a ten-year partnering contract with two contractors to deliver works across the city. The contractor appointed to deliver the works in and around your home was Axis Europe.

Axis Europe have a proven record of successfully delivering major works in Westminster, they have a good understanding of the council and residents in Westminster and a strong commitment to community and employment opportunities for residents.


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